8 Weeks Course - English

This mindfulness training course, which lasts 8 weeks is very special and it can change your life. We are doing a lot exercises and kind of meditations. To get a deeper look into the history, the science and effectiveness of mindfulness in each session you get a presentation which are giving you more insights. You will love it!

Mindfulness Leads You To Conscious Living


Mindfulness - a modern mindset.

This modern term simply means adopting a new mindset that is open, non-judgmental, and focused on the present moment. Although it is a modern concept, the roots and core ideas of mindfulness lie in Buddhism. Those who practice mindfulness also pay attention to their own thoughts and reactions and to the fact that change is constant. The idea of accepting change is very beneficial because much of our pain and suffering comes from not accepting or resisting change.

Mindfulness and meditation go together perfectly; one complements the other. Therefore there are some specific meditations integrated in this course, such as the body scan meditation or the seated meditation and so on.  If you have adopted a mindful mindset, it does not mean that you only need to practice mindfulness meditation; Any type of meditation practice works well with mindfulness.

The following would be a summary of what a mindful mindset is.

'Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way;
On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally'
Jon Kabat-Zinn


Therefore, mindfulness is the practice of being aware in every possible moment, while maintaining a non-judgmental view, and at the same time observing your own physical and emotional reactions. 

This is a 8 weeks course and I will guide you through. It is a great honor for me to be able to accompany you during this time. It is a very valuable and important path that I will walk with you.

Love & Light Martina

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