Coachings & Trainings in English

Mindful Self Leadership Coaching & Training

Beside my executing coaching 1:1 sessions I offer this special training for international teams or english speaking teams:


Mindful Self Leadership Training


I’m convinced that companies must invest in healthy and mindful working environment to meet the basic needs for their employees. Not only regarding working space, fresh air and so on but also in  mental health. Therefore I designed mindfulness working courses, which are highly efficient. One of them is the ‚Self Leadership‘ for international teams.

Why Self Leadership Training and Coaching for Your Team?

More and more often, people are confronted with a work situation that makes them feel more and more alienated or stressed. Their work then becomes a burden and they start to burn out or have other health problems. People recognize very late that they live in two separated worlds. Often the negative consequences are only perceived consciously when both worlds no longer fit together.

Therefore it is so important that people take their „work-related-fate“ into their own hands to remain able to think, feel and act as authentically and self-responsibly as possible. 

7 important Outcomes of this Mindful Workíng Training for Your Employees

The participants will ...

  1. acquire knowledge about their personal psychical and physical  processes.
  2. get familiar with the functionality and changeability of mental  processes.
  3. take over more and more responsibility for their own thoughts, , willpower, actions and body, and will no longer regard themselves as a victim of the current work or life situation.
  4. acquire abilities and skills to successfully apply this knowledge in  professional (and private) life.
  5. learn to the strategies of self influence to regulate mental activities more consciously, to mobilize their personal resources
  6. learn to activate their ability for self-selection, self-awareness and self-regulator (3S method).
  7. gain a high degree of self-confidence and be able to develop self-responsibility and future orientation as a basic work related attitude.

Duration: Two Days Teamtraining and afterwards at least one 1:1 Coaching Session is recommended.

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